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Blog Booster: Tips To Increase Your Blog Traffic

Blog Booster: Tips To Increase Your Blog Traffic In 2020

Skyscraper describing tips to increase blog traffic

Are you a blogger finding it difficult to increase your blog traffic??
Have you engage yourself into different activities and still find it unhelpful?

In today's post you will be learning how to drive traffic to you blog with just few tips.

Blogging seems so difficult for most blogger, because they find it difficult to drive traffic to their blog. In the world now, we have more than 600 millions blogs, and each Blogger wants audiences on their site, like every seller want buyers/customers to queue in their shop/company/workplace.

Most blogger uses different tactics and strategies to drive their reader to their blog, but using the right method is the best, so as to avoid been band from using your blog. 

Let's Get Started.....
Like I said earlier, every blogger has a way they seduce their customer to their site, and I know gaining traffic is one of the most important goals of every blogger, in some cases most blogger do not buy the idea of having traffic but this is base on what your blog is meant for. 

Well every blogger wants is effort to bear good fruit, and also all blog want to be successful, the only means you can achieve that is having audience. 
Today we will be giving you the best tips on how you can increase the traffic on your blog, but it also depends on pattern you choose and how zealous you are attempting to get it.

On this page, we will be discussing on 3 good tips on how you can increase your traffic, which are

  1. Booster Tips
  2. Blogger Groups
  3. Promoting site 


1. Booster Tips

Here, we will be giving four booster tips that work fine. It carries everything you need to generate traffic to your blog 

  • User-friendly
A good blog must be appealing, easy to use and understand, if you want to drive audience to your blog, in other to achieve this, your blog must be able to satisfy their want, the blog must be neat and should have many content to keep the reader engaged (it should not be a boring content) and also it should be descriptive (have images).

Things that make a blog look fresh and attractive

They include likable colour, logo, well arrange content, good layout, descriptive images, understandable words, e.t.c.

  • Google Indexing
Google Indexing is also one of the factor that boost blog traffic.

What Google index does is, it crawl and gather/fetch information form your site, and make it available to Google Search Engine for user to see and use your site.

To make you blog available on Google you have to submit your url to Google Search Console

  • Grammar 
Content without mismatch of words impress your audiences/readers, all content provide to reader should be free from errors (grammatical mistake, spelling mistake).

You have to impress your reader with what you have, when you done with a post, always go back to check for errors (preview).

Make us of plagiarism checkers to detect stolen content and also use grammar check to find error from content. All this help in the generation of readers.

  • Facebook Ads
This method of promoting blog is effective and also the best for promotion, but it requires the use of your credit/debit card (payment) 

Using this method, you are will be ask to pay some certain amount to Facebook so they can help you promote your work.

This also depends on the quality of content and the type of audience you choose, so make sure you choose wisely.

2. Blogger Groups

Joining helpful groups, also makes your traffic increase, go to Facebook, Pinterest, Whatsapp and other social media that allows group, find a better group to join.

Look for group with massive member, post your blog content and also ask for suggestions on how you can grow your blog, you will also have opportunity to chat with other bloggers.

Blogger groups helps a lot, many blogger will be their to give you update on how you can do things, even they will teach you how make your blog rank first on search engine.

Note this don't just pick any group, you have to find a group that goes alongwith your niche.

3. Promoting Sites 

We have so many site that help in promotion of blog, site like Facebook, Twitter, Medium and other 

Promoting of business is one of the basic tools to generate traffic to your business, On this site, all blog promoting sites are been listed

Wrapping Up

All blog strive hard to rank first on search engine, am sure after using the above tips, changes will occur at the rate at which your traffic increases, and also all this depend on how you do them and how much effort you put on them.

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If this post has made your traffic, please comment and share to help others improve on their blog.


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